Last updated:

14th March 2024

Decision to issue an EHC Plan

The local authority will gather all the information from the assessment and present it to panel once again. They should now have a very clear picture of your child’s difficulties and the support they will need. Panel will look at all the information and decide whether these needs can be met by the school from their own resources or whether your child needs an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan.)

If a plan is not going to be issued they will write to you giving reasons for their decision. If you disagree you can appeal.

If the plan is going to be issued they will issue you with a draft plan to check through. The draft should include all the appendices which contain any information gathered during the assessment. You will be given 15 days to respond with any corrections or to request any amendments. You can use our leaflet How to check your draft EHCP (PDF Document) or ask us for help if you are not sure how to check your plan. The plan contains all the information from the assessment presented in different sections. 

You can ask for a meeting with SEN to discuss the draft if you feel this is necessary.  

They will also ask you if you have a preference for a particular school. The law about when they must agree with your request see the page Choosing a School.